Difference Between Morals and Values

Difference Between Morals and Values

Do you think the early men had ethics? It’s hard not to wonder considering that they had no form of civilization at the time. What about animals in the forest, do you at times wonder if they have standards that guide their day to day lives? It is hard to answer these questions because we do not have a firsthand experience in both cases. However, from a human’s point of view, they do not have standards; but humans do.

What we do everyday is guided by morals and values in accordance with our upbringing and the laws guiding the society we live in. Speaking of which, do you know that there is a difference between morals and values? They are similar in meaning and function, but they have their peculiarities.

Definition of Morals

Moral is defined as an acceptable idea that is specific to a group of people with regards to their principle, behavior, and the concepts of right and wrong. It applies to the lifestyles common to that community based on religious, social, and cultural standpoints.

As we have it, humans seem to have similar basic and acceptable idea guiding our different communities around the world. Some of them are as follows.

  • Be liberal
  • Do not steal
  • Be truthful
  • Be patience
  • Work hard
  • Embrace loyalty

And so on.

Definition of Values

Value is defined as a measure that guides a person’s choice and judgment as it relates to oneself and society at large. When you place a value on a thing, it means that that thing is of high importance to you and you’ll represent it as such in any community you find yourself in.

Some of the things that show a distinct difference between values and morals include the following.

  • Family
  • Wealth
  • Friendship
  • Education
  • Creativity
  • Determination
  • Passion
  • Spirituality

And lots more.

What then is the difference between ethics morals and values because they seem to mean the same thing?

Morals vs Values Comparison Table

Basis of ComparisonMorals Values
Definition An acceptable idea that is specific to a group of people with regards to their principle, behavior, and the concepts of right and wrong A measure that guides a person’s choice and judgment as it relates to oneself and the society
Centered on Social, cultural, and religious concepts Individual concept
Interpretation A set of principles acceptable to a community Innate response to situations
Deal with The principles of right and wrong Personal scope of conduct

Conclusion of the Main Difference Between Morals vs Values

These two concepts guide how we function and perceive things in the society, but there is a thin line between the two. If asked – what is the difference between morals and values?, then you can refer to the table above and decide on how you want to answer the question. However, the fundamental thing is who controls one or the other. When it comes to morals, the society is concerned and notably influences this concept. But when it comes to values, you, as an individual, decide what you classify under this category.